Take time out to go on www.careersportal.ie and think what courses you might put down on your CAO next year.
Is it possible to do some work experience during the summer based on a career that might interest you after school? Even in a voluntary capacity?
Could you read your single English text or comparative texts over the summer? Over the holidays make sure you read. Challenge yourself with three books.
Have you enlisted to visit a college over summer? Most of the colleges are having summer school seminars catered for fifth years. You can apply for these online. You get to see what the courses and lectures are like.
How is your extra language? Going to the Gaelteacht this summer would really help you with your Irish next year. German and French summer camps are also popular – Google ‘language camp west’
Perhaps spend one day every two weeks or half a day every week at Revision. It will keep you sharp and help you prepare best for your leaving cert year!